Inventory The Left Coast Bookstore

40. ●
39 actually maintained the same sales figures for the first
6 months of the year. Each month, the chain restocked the
stores from its warehouse by shipping 600 hardcover, 1500
softcover, and 1500 plastic books to San Francisco and 500
hardcover, 500 softcover, and 500 plastic books to LosAngeles.
a. Use matrix operations to determine the total sales over the
6 months, broken down by store and type of book.
b. Use matrix operations to determine the inventory in each
store at the end of June.
41. ● Profit Annual revenues and production costs at Luddington’s
Wellington Boots&Co. are shownin the following spreadsheet.
Use matrix algebra to compute the profits from each sector
each year.
42. ● Revenue The following spreadsheet gives annual production
costs and profits at Gauss Jordan Sneakers, Inc.
Use matrix algebra to compute the revenues from each sector
each year.
43. ● Population Distribution In 1980 the U.S. population, broken
down by regions, was 49.1 million in the Northeast, 58.9
million in the Midwest, 75.4 million in the South, and 43.2
million in the West.3 In 1990 the population was 50.8 million
in the Northeast, 59.7 million in the Midwest, 85.4 million in
the South, and 52.8 million in the West. Set up the population
figures for each year as a row vector, and then show how to
use matrix operations to find the net increase or decrease of
population in each region from 1980 to 1990.
44. ● Population Distribution In 1990 the U.S. population, broken
down by regions, was 50.8 million in the Northeast, 59.7
million in the Midwest, 85.4 million in the South, and 52.8
million in the West.4 Between 1990 and 2000, the population
in the Northeast grew by 2.8 million, the population in the
Midwest grew by 4.7 million, the population in the South
grew by 14.8 million, and the population in the West grew by
10.4 million. Set up the population figures for 1990 and the
growth figures for the decade as row vectors. Assuming that
the population will grow by the same numbers from 2000 to
2010 as they did from 1990 to 2000, show how to use matrix
operations to find the population in each region in 2010.
Bankruptcy Filings Exercises 45–48 are based on the following
chart, which shows the numbers of personal bankruptcy filings in
three New York
Inventory The Left Coast Bookstore chain discussed in Exercise
