Greatest Wrestling Biography Written By The Greatest Wrestler Ever

Love love love this freaking book! It really let's you inside his life and gives you insight on what it's like on the road in wrestling. Loved it from start to finish! Although the ending made me tear up and shed a few tears because Bret Hart is easily the greatest professional wrestler who ever lived and his career did not end the right way. He had to live through losing his baby brother Owen, who I loved as well. He lost him in 1999, then he lost his mother in 2001, then Davey Boy Smith aka the British Bulldog, his brother in law and my third favorite wrestler of all time behind Bret Hart and Owen Hart, then he had to deal with his crazy family namely his two sisters Diana and Ellie, then sadly he had a stroke sometime after Goldberg gave him a concussion after botching in a match and stupid WCW kept asking Bret to fight again after he had his concussion. Then the worst thing happened after the stroke and concussion ended Bret's career, the man who made the legends and most specifically the man who made most of the legends in WWE possible Stu Hart died. This book is a great read especially for the price it's labeled. I recommend this to anybody who wants to know what the life of an amazing superstar is like. There will never be another Bret Hart, or anybody coming close to Bret Hart in my book! READ R
EAD READ, you will not be disappointed I promise!
